Passive House Mt Eden


Highly energy efficient balanced Supply & Extract Ventilation System with heat (Energy) recovery designed & optimised to provide best value & performance. System is intended to operate continuously 24hrs/365Days. Design layouts & details shown separately may alter during Install process to suit building Structure which may alter Investment Level. System Design & Optimisation by Design Software & other key Analysis Systems in accordance with NZ Building Code NZBC G4 & NZ Standard NZS4303:1990.

“Ventilation for acceptable Indoor Air" & German Standard DIN 1946-6 "For Healthy Interior Environments". We recommend careful consideration of additional Demand Heating &/or cooling Requirements For extreme &/Or extended Cool or Warm Atmospheric Conditions. All Systems are Provided with User Manuals & Other Details & Key Reference Information. System Intended to be operated in Conjunction with Natural Ventilation by Manual Operation of Exterior Windows & Doors By occupants.


Occasionally Systems are designed with slightly reduced Air Exchange Rates. This is still an acceptable solution compared to the NZBC G4 / NZS4303:1990 Recommended Min. ACH1 = 0.35 &/or the Passive House PHPP suggested Min. ACH1 = 0.30. The Acceptability is due to a number of factors usually including Larger Rooms & Volume of Air Contained within the Building created by significantly higher than usual ceilings or floor area in many Areas.

System Performance meets or exceeds other key NZBC G4 / NZS4303:1990 Criteria not shown & enables Economy & Best Value Investment requiring the minimum number of main units necessary & optimal Selection of Main Unit capacity to ensure Quiet & Efficient Operation & Service Longevity.

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